Busting the 6 Myths
that I hear everyday from muslim women who are unsure of investing
Anyone can invest. Yes it's true! It doesn't have to be hard and you don't need a lot of money.
Grab my handy guide below which reveals the truth of investing.
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Asalam o’ Alaikum
I’m Miral.
Since 2011, I’ve been actively investing my time and money learning about how to build wealth whilst staying loyal to Islamic rulings of finance. I have since then taught over 45 families achieve various financial goals by private consultation.
After over a decade teaching investing to Muslim families, it is my firm conviction that it is mandatory for Women to partake in the economy by learning how to invest. Especially Muslim Women who are further subjected to Islamic finance rulings.
If you need a step by step process that simplifies and educates you on how to invest to create generational wealth, book a private consultation with me today. Simply email hello@muslimwomeninvest.com and request the details.
My goal is to redefine what it means to be a Muslim Woman Investor today and share the techniques and strategies you can use with your family to create your first Million dollars!